
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nephite Easter Activity

Buys a ton of candy.  The only specific candy you have to buy is 3 Cadbury eggs which will represent the Godhead.  The rest of the candy can be whatever your family likes.  Other required supplies include a bag and a blindfold for each participant.  We've never been fancy with this - we've just used grocery bags and strips of fabric or t-shirts for blind folds.

Wait until it was dark for this activity because it symbolizes the darkness the Nephites experienced after the Savior's death.  The scriptures say absolutely NO light could be seen and so we used the blindfolds to make the darkness absolute.

Send them all out on the front porch while you prepared the house.  While they wait turn furniture upside down and move things all around to symbolize the destruction of the land after the Savior's death.  Scatter the candy, which symbolized our family members, everywhere.  When the house was sufficiently wrecked, go get everyone on the porch and tell them what had happened using the story from the Book of Mormon.  (It might be a good idea to read it and bring out whatever points you think are important for your family.) 

Say things to the effect of "there's been terrible destruction.  The whole face of the land has been changed.  You have been separated from your family members.  You must find them."  Continue to narrate the story and end by telling us that there were 3 special eggs that represented Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.  They are to try and find them, our family and then try and get to the highest place (usually a stack of couch pillows) which represented the temple (this is, of course, where the Nephites gathered).  Then blind fold them and give them their  bags.  Then go into the house and get down on their hands and knees (it's much safer this way!) and crawl around stuffing candy (family) in our bags.  When they have been at it a while and they are pretty sure most of the candy had been collected then have them all make their way to the "temple".  This has been a GREAT activity that seems to appeal to ALL ages.

Article of Faith Easter Egg Hunt

     Divide everyone into two teams. Place all of the articles of faith on the same color paper. Choose a color for each team. Place the articles in the eggs with the candy. Tell everyone that they may only keep the color of their team. If they find another color have them replace it into the egg and move on. When the team has assembled all 13 pieces of paper have them place the articles in order. So by now you know that you do not place a number on the article. The team has to work together to order the articles. First team to have all the articles in order is the winner.
     What I did was print two copies of the Articles of Faith cards without the numbers and cut them out into individual articles. I had 42 old plastic eggs, which I could divide by "warm colors" and "cool colors" (pink, yellow, orange and green, blue, purple) into 2 teams. I put each Articles of Faith in an egg, along with some candy, for the other eggs, I just put candy (no chocolate, because we live in Arizona). Then I hid the eggs in my backyard.  Each team had to find only their color eggs, and then, when all were found, dump out each egg into a bowl, get the papers, and number the articles from one to thirteen. Then they split the candy evenly into Ziploc baggies. 
     I did one the other day that turned out pretty well. I divided each Article of Faith up into seven pieces. Then I numbered the eggs. Each girl was assigned specific numbers to look for. For example, one had to look for eggs number 1, 2, and 3. It was a lot of fun because they tried to not let the other girls see where they were looking if the egg wasn't theirs. Anyway, after all the eggs were found then we went in and tried to put them into order. I of course helped, I had a couple of older girls who happened to be there and so they helped the younger ones. After they were done putting them into order we read them out loud to make sure we put them together right. The 13th egg I divided so each girl had to find only 2 pieces of it and then we put it in order together. It was a lot of fun!